Tesco Stores Selected for instore voting for Somerset Wildlife projects

Tesco Stores Selected for instore voting for Somerset Wildlife projects

Your vote could help us to receive a grant for one of three local projects.

Continuing from the announcement made on our blog at the beginning of the year, we are happy to announce that from April to June 2023, three more of our projects have the opportunity to receive your votes at Tesco stores in the county!

When Tesco customers are given a blue token between April – June 2023, in Minehead, Wells or Glastonbury Tesco superstores at the checkout, they can vote for us to receive a grant for one of three local projects.

Tesco Superstore Minehead have been selected for instore voting to support our project - Saving Minehead and Dunster's Wilder Coast. This project gives young people from schools and youth groups the chance to explore and protect West Somerset’s coast. Promoting cognitive, emotional, physical growth by learning and playing and is led by Mark Ward of Somerset Wildlife Trust.

Tesco Superstore in Wells will be supporting votes for the Walking With Wildlife in Wells project helping us improve footpaths in this magical ancient woodland so it can be visited and enjoyed by more local people as they walk with the wonderful wildlife in Wells.

Finally, voting in Tesco Superstore Glastonbury focuses on the project Wild About Beckery Chapel which is a project working very much in partnership with The Friends of St Brides Mound and South West Heritage Trust to improve access and create a haven for wildlife at Glastonbury’s Beckery Chapel.

Tesco Community Grants have supported thousands of community projects since 2016.