Homes for hedgehogs - Count results

Hedgehog in garden

Great Somerset Hedgehog Count 2023

Thank you to everyone who took part!

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted hedgehog sightings during our Great Somerset Hedgehog Count - we had an amazing 497 submissions! All of this data will be passed on to the Somerset Environmental Records Centre (SERC) to help us build a better picture of hedgehog populations in Somerset, allowing us to better protect them and the habitats they rely on in the future.


The map below shows where our incredible Hedgehog Heroes recorded their sightings across Somerset!

Great Somerset Hedgehog Count 2023 results map

Your sightings..

Out of the 497 sightings, 76 were recorded through the iNaturalist app, and 421 through our website. We also had 25 sightings outside of Somerset which will be passed on to the record centre of their county.

We had so many lovely photos submitted through iNaturalist during the count -  sadly we can't share them all, but here's a selection!

Hedgehog facing the camera

Thank you for being a hedgehog hero

This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to actions you can take to protect Somerset’s hedgehogs. See below for some more ideas, and look out for emails from us as we share lots of tips, ideas and fun facts about hedgehogs and how you can help the hogs in your garden. 

Share the love!

We’d love to see your pictures of your hedgehog holes and highways! You can share them with us on social media by tagging us and using the hashtag #Homesforhedgehogs