Somerset Nature Connections: Thoughts from a Volunteer

Somerset Nature Connections: Thoughts from a Volunteer

A volunteer currently working with our Somerset Nature Connections team explores their relationship with nature in this short, reflective piece.

Somerset Nature Connections volunteer:

"In May 2022 I began volunteering on the Nature Connections course in the Mendips. Now 22 weeks on, it's the one day of the week that I absolutely look forward to. I'm out on a beautiful hillside with far reaching views. I’m surrounded by green space, wooded areas and wildlife in every square inch with a small group of people who are as fascinated and interested in nature as I am. Although I am there in a support role to the course leaders, it benefits my own mental health hugely; It's a complete reset from the pressures, routine and noise of my everyday life. Anxiety lifts.

Simple but thoughtful nature-based tasks and workshops give a chance to switch off technology, slow down, listen to each other and really notice and connect with the natural world around us. The course provides an incredibly inclusive and caring environment. A weekly ‘check in’ allows a space for everyone to share thoughts, feelings and ideas if they wish. Everyone listens. It’s quite evident that the course benefits participants in so many ways as they regularly voice their appreciation and gratitude for this weekly opportunity. We all aim to direct everything back to nature and this makes us all much more aware of our small place in the world.  I now notice wildlife and the constant changes in nature much more quickly since volunteering. It’s made me more proactive and inspired to help in protecting our environment too."

View of Mendip Hills in Somerset, with sheep in forefront of the image.

To find out more about our Somerset Nature Connections Team and their work relating to green prescribing, health and wellbeing, and nature-based activities, just click on the button below!

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